Monday, November 14, 2011

Painting With Leaves

We had so much fun with the whole process of leaf painting!  The first step is to go on a hunt to find all of the perfect leaves you can! We also picked up "snowballs", acorns and sticks. 
Next you will need to sort all of your leaves and figure out which ones will be the best for painting.  (Snazzy collection bucket is totally optional! :)  Olive is quite the little collector and we look daily for acorns, so we needed a snazzy recycled coffee creamer container)
You will also need washable paint in the colors of your choice!  And because Olive is obsessed with purple, this was our first choice. 
Dip your leaves in paint and start working! 
  Some of them she scooted around and others, she just poked.  I was amazed that she figured out all different ways to use the leaves. 
The finished product!  Isn't it stunning?  She is very proud. This semi-control freak Mommy really wishes it was in fall colors, but she loves it and so I am fine with that. 

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